At the terminal in Uig,
waiting in our car,
vehicles in turn disgorge
now its our time to go,
looking out,
a seascape of white horses
what kind of crossing will it be?
southerly, gale force 8,
thats what the forecast says.
On Calmac’s Ferry
Olympic Boxing
holds our attention,
four nail-biting rounds,
Degale snatches Gold!
Arrive in Lochmaddy
a little late, no car in sight
as we weave along the
narrow roads,
our destination, our peace,
our return!
spring is close, Kilchrist
1 day ago
As a new day dawns,a new chapter begins!
Each day you write a line.
A line becomes a page.
And a page becomes a BOOK!
Only you know what tomorrow brings
Now is a good time to take a look at your life's map, find a better route, and move forward in the direction of the good things in your future.
Each day is easier than the one before. Keep looking ahead.
Love always - Sis.
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