The long and winding road
Many paths, many signposts,
many twists, many turns.
many twists, many turns.
Many choices, many decisions,
many challenges, many skills.
Many surprises, much joy,
many friends, much friendship,
many loves, much loving!
My thoughts, poems and prose ...... and here they flow! I invite & thank you to create your poems, prose, comments and add them too. (All posts & comments are copyright ©)
Look into the distance and what do you see!
Will we ever reach the end of the road!
Do we want to reach the end of the road!
This road is our individual journey.
We ALL have to travel it, no matter what lies ahead!
Along this road we will face many challenges,and many triumphs!
Defeat on this occasion is NOT an option !!!!!!!!!!!!
This weekend I have a friend in need!
In need of our thoughts and prayers!
In need of support and guidance!
In need of love,and loving!
In need of hugs and kisses!
In need of tolarance and truth!
In need of strength and health!
In need of friends and family!
In need of calm and peace!
In need of "ME" time!
In need of a stiff drink!
Dear friend "YOU" are in my thoughts xx
The coach dropped us at Inch Beach.
Everyone shuffled off and headed for the café
to look at the magnificent view
through holes rubbed in the condensation of the windows.
But I went down to the sea
and stood at the edge and watched.
The sky was grey and overcast.
Dark clouds hugged the cliff tops
like big, fat, soft duvets.
The wind blew straight off the sea.
A great and mighty wind
that tugged at my coat
grabbed my scarf and
scattered my hair, medusa like,
over my head.
The waves crashed and roared
filling my head with tremendous sound.
Surf and foam rose from the sea like billowing steam.
The waves rushed towards me,
threatening to overwhelm me
with their magnificent power.
And I – I was alive as never before.
Blood coursing through my veins.
I was invincible.
I raised my arms and shouted out loud.
The wind took my voice and carried it
to the four corners of the world.
I looked down.
And there was the sea.
that great, powerful sea,
gently lapping at my feet.
Its power spent.
Subservient to me.
I could tame the sea
I was the mighty one
The power was in me.
I returned to the coach and went to my seat.
Everyone looked blearily at me and saw
a tousle-headed, middle aged woman.
They didn’t see the real me
whose voice was in the wind
The powerful woman
who could tame the sea
and have it lapping at her feet.
But I knew.
i plan to be in contact with you all soon,
go raibh mile maith agat!
toodles x
hi, have you looked at the time of the last comment ...0341... had a few tasks to do ..... 1 day and 4 hours .....please keep praying xx
Hope and Prayers
The waiting is hard,for those who care!
Husband,Daughter and friends dispair!
Your away from us,but in good hands.
And soon you'll be able to sit and make those plans!
The last few months have been a strain!
Restless,tired,and often in pain!
So take it easy!
Do what your told.
Best wishes "Toodles" Get well soon.
A Gaelic Message!
Go mbiodh biseach ort gan mhoill
"Prayers Answered"
The power of prayer !!!!
Well done toodles,the first bit is over!
Now lie back and DO what you are told to DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the coming weeks your body and mind will grow stronger.
I bet the family are jumping for joy !!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I Know you don't like flowers
I know you don't like flowers !
And plants I couldn't find.
So please accept this bunch from me.
I hope you do not mind!
I know it's been a strain.
Over the weeks and months gone by.
But now it's time to be pampered.
So why not give it a try !!!!!!!
Until we speak I'll say farewell.
And wish you all the best.
Keep your faith,be strong and focused.
And please enjoy your rest !!!!!!!!!!!
Good to have you back !!!!!!!!!
"Home Again"
Home again where you belong
back with the ones that you love.
Home again where you belong
comforting,warm,and secure.
Hospital wards are sterile and clean.
But never a patch on home.
They cared for you,and kept you well.
But you always felt alone.
Your home,where you belong,
and on your way back up.
Home again where you belong.
I wish you all the luck.
I hope and pray,that you will stay fit and in good health.
Now smile a while,enjoy yourself remember your:
"Health is your wealth"
I really like this. Nice.
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