So quiet, so peaceful
only the tick of the clock,
time is insignificant
having breakfast at ten,
taking it easy,
this is different!
My thoughts, poems and prose ...... and here they flow! I invite & thank you to create your poems, prose, comments and add them too. (All posts & comments are copyright ©)
Raspberry Hill http://www.raspberry-hill.co.uk/
Met in Raspberry Hill
twenty years ago,
penpals all this time,
Our laughter echoes
over the line,
tonic received
passing of time!
Intuitive messages,
we both imagine
being there again!
Birthday in Uist.
Its 10am, cannot make a cuppa,
banned from the dining room,
secret ‘goings-on’, cannot wait,
call from daughter ‘not yet!’
Coloured balloons, poppers,
string & homemade cards,
daughter & partner
chorusing happy birthday!
Wish granted, in Uist
on this special day,
enjoying the feeling,
& sharing the happiness.
At the terminal in Uig,
waiting in our car,
vehicles in turn disgorge
now its our time to go,
looking out,
a seascape of white horses
what kind of crossing will it be?
southerly, gale force 8,
thats what the forecast says.
On Calmac’s Ferry
Olympic Boxing
holds our attention,
four nail-biting rounds,
Degale snatches Gold!
Arrive in Lochmaddy
a little late, no car in sight
as we weave along the
narrow roads,
our destination, our peace,
our return!